Reach Alert

Reach Alert allows the city to send you timely information about events affecting our city.

As a user of REACH Alert, you will be in control of how you receive your messages from us. This means you will be able to:

  • Choose up to three ways to receive your messages – text, voice call, email messaging.
  • Add up to four devices – phone numbers and/or email addresses that you want to receive your messages.
  • Update your contact information at anytime – add a phone number or email address when you register, then login to update your info today or three years from now.

Registration takes less than a minute to complete! To register:

  • Go
  • Click on MY ACCOUNT
  • Follow the prompts and enter your preferred contact information
  • Network: Enter Woodlawn Park (click on our name in the dropdown list)
  • Select Resident
  • Enter your physical address

If you opted to receive text alerts, Reach Alert will send a text message to your cell phone immediately upon completion of your registration. Please enter the 4-digit number on the registration screen and then click the word VALIDATE. If you do not receive this message, please call Reach Alert.

If you do not have access to a computer or if you experience any difficulty registering, please contact REACH Alert at 877-307-9313.